Criminal Defense

Usually attorneys stall and wait until the arraignment and the first official court date before starting to investigate cases. Here, at KN Law Firm, we start the whole process from very beginning.

Collecting facts, investigating crime scenes and providing evidence from the very beginning is really important to decrease chances of surprise, preserve crucial evidence and minimize external factors from influencing admissions.

With us you are going to have a real personal touch with your attorney. We will sit down together and analyze the charges individually, one by one, breaking them down to give you a thoroughly explanation so you get a better understanding of your crime and all the potential sentences.

We don’t work for the client, we work with the client.

This was our motto from day one, and it really is the only way to establish a sound defense and have a better approach in developing a proper defense in our preparations for your case.

Do not hesitate to call us right now to have a free consultation about your case. And if you need to read more and get a better idea about the situation you or your loved one are involved in, feel free to explore the links below as they contain tons of important information.

Let's Discuss Your Case

Schedual your free and confidential consultation today.

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