A type of personal injury claim based on a person suffer from an ancient causing potential damage or injury to the brain.
Under Penal Code 25400 PC, California law makes it a crime to carry a concealed firearm on your person or in a vehicle.
Any bone in your body can break from a car accident. Common car crash fractures include lower legs and femurs, arms and wrists, clavicles, hips, ribs and facial or skull.
About 373,000 people in the United States are living with a spinal cord injury, according to NSCISC.
KN Law Firm offers expertise in handling Los Angeles Uber and Lyft accident cases. Learn about your rights and get the compensation you deserve with our help.
While riding any vehicle, you exercise protection; bicyclists use helmets to protect their head.
Bicycle accidents are a common occurrence on the busy streets of California, often leading to severe injuries or even fatalities.
Though life is unpredictable, death is permanent. People often find it difficult to come to terms with the loss of a close friend, family member or even pets.
A truck accident lawyer in Los Angeles can help you understand your rights and options and fight for the compensation you deserve.
Motorcyclist might suffer injuries like serious back injuries, Bone fractures, Soft-tissue injuries, Loss of limbs or digits..
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